Level Up Your Business
Testimonial Videos
Nothing can promote your business better than third-party endorsements from customers who have used your service or project. Engage with your customers and attract new ones by creating Testimonial Videos. Anyone can say their business is great. But, an actual customer talking on camera about what they like goes a lot farther to make your business more trustworthy and credible. These videos can live on your website, be emailed to customers as well as be uploaded to social media sites where they can be shared with others. Video examples: UCHealth – Nine McGee video, Clover “Beer Growler” video, Charlie and Victoria, Stretch Zone
- Level up you business
Business Presentation
Let your customers know about your business, its products and its benefits with Promotional Videos. People love watching videos and so do your customers. An overwhelming number of consumers spend more time on websites that have videos than those that do not. They also are more likely to make a purchase by seeing those videos. Your business becomes “sticky” because you showcase your products and services in a way that engages them. They have a problem and you show them how you are the solution. You become their hero. And they love to tell others about their hero! Videos: Clover – Scan to Pay video, Blush Promo
- Seeing is believing
Your Business in Action
Showcasing your company’s products and services in a story telling manner can connect with customers, sharing your passion, and humanizing your brand. This type of engagement can be a pathway to sales by generating a positive impression of your products, services and even your employees. Videos:UC Health videos: Nina McGee and Dave Eniger videos, West Metro Fire/Rescue covid video
- Showcase your products and services
Product Promos and Demos
Showcasing your company’s products is a must to educate your customers on the features and value of your offerings. Showing them in action is an even better way to highlight how a customer might use the product in their own situation. Putting them in a “what if” scenario with video can give them a rational reason to purchase your service or product. Videos: Clover Scan to Pay video, Pogo demo video.
- Standout with Motion
Animation and Motion Graphics
Make your product or service stand out with Animation and Motion Graphics. Concepts can be quickly and easily demonstrated while showcasing your product or service with a higher level of quality and credibility than your competitors. Animation and Motion Graphics can be simple or complicated depending on your budget and timeline. Company logos are also an excellent use of these techniques.